Tepui Healing Arts Center

Instructor Profile

Rachel Porter


Rachel Porter is a licensed massage therapist and owner of Revive Therapeutics and Tepui Healing Arts Education.  She is a 2015 Cortiva School of Massage graduate, specializing in her own Fusion Massage Modality which combines the hundreds of hours of training into unique massage experiences for individual clients. Rachel’s Fusion Massage is rooted in Swedish strokes, but also incorporates lomi lomi strokes, myofascial and trigger point work, sports stretching, barefoot work and 3-dimensional techniques.

Rachel studied Breast and Chest massage with Barbara Helynn Robles in 2019 and since has modified her massage sessions to incorporate this vital work for a majority of her clients. Having practiced Breast and Chest work since 2020, and seeing it not only bring great success to her practice, but even more importantly the healing it has brought to clients, Rachel is now endeavoring to spread the knowledge to other LMTs.

Rachel’s training with Barbara were instrumental in modifying her massage techniques and bringing greater healing to her clients. Barbara was a key voice in the 2015-2016 discussions to define what became “WAC 246-830-555 Breast Massage,” in order to keep the breast/chest area within scope of practice for WA State LMTs. In June of 2023 Rachel assisted Barbara Helynn in teaching her Breast and Chest Massage class and will now be teaching the class through the South Puget Sound.

Incorporating the Breast(s) and Chest is based strongly on the work and routines developed by Barbara, which Rachel learned under her and is using with her permission. Barbara’s work is strongly based on her lomi lomi background, and Rachel teaches these routines as she would, with additions and suggestions of her own. As Barbara often stated, this work “should more accurately be referred to as “full chest massage”; while it includes the breast tissue, the primary target is the chest wall deep to the breast tissue.” Including full chest and breast massage within full body massage sessions supports healthy breathing, stress relief, shoulder and neck treatment, and general wellbeing. While some clients will have specific breast tissue issues and experiences (pregnancy, cancer, reductions, augmentations, etc.) and can get help and relief from massage in this area, all clients can benefit from this work.