Tepui Healing Arts Center

Incorporating Breast and Chest Massage

Incorporating the Breast and Chest: 16 CEs for LMTs

Learn a simple and effective routine for incorporating the chest wall and breast tissue into full body massage.

Meet the 16 hour WA State CE requirement for offering breast and chest massage work (WAC 246-830-555).

Satisfy the 4-hour Washington State CE requirement for ethics.

Work with LMTs of all genders (depending on student sign-up, of course).

Be in a small class: Maximum of 6 students only.

Instructor: Rachel Porter

In Brief: In this class, students will learn massage of the ribcage, chest, and breasts, intended to support healthy breathing and overall wellness. This massage may benefit clients experiencing musculoskeletal neck, chest and shoulder related weakness or injuries, and also people with non-cancerous, breast tissue-related conditions such as menstrual-related tenderness, fibrocystic breast tissue, breast augmentation, breast reduction, gender affirming mastectomy, and other non-cancerous breast conditions.

Contact Me

Contact me with any and all questions about the class at education@revivetherapeutics; please include “breast and chest class” in the subject line. If for some reason I do not respond in 2-3 days time, please call 206-451-7037.